Shawn Beamer


A veteran “Molly Hatchet” member Shawn Beamer is celebrating his 8th Anniversary as the band's drummer!

A veteran “Molly Hatchet” member Shawn Beamer is celebrating his 8th Anniversary as the band’s drummer!  He is also know as “Thunder” as you can understand why on CD and live performances. He also adds to the band a great personality that keeps everyone in a great mood even after 29 hours at an airport layover.  A true spirited person and a great musician with a message to the “Molly Hatchet” fans he wanted to share…”I want to say one thing.  Being a fan of this music means to me that every time I step on that stage I am a representative of the band, both past and present, and I take that very seriously.  I look at this band and know that they have a place in musical history and I want my tenure to be one that lives up to the standards of those who were here before me.  I am grateful for this chance to play music that means so much too so many people, and I will do it with the class and honor it deserves.”

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